

Beginner course: Trying perfuming with 48 types of beads.

Intermediate course: Unravelling the world’s most famous 24 perfumes.

Advanced course: Learning directly from the instructor.

The Academy consists of three courses. “Beginner Course” and “Intermediate Course” in self-learning,

“Advanced Course” in which students learn with a guidance of an instructor directly.

Beginner’s Course

Course fee: \58,000 (tax excl.)

For those who learn about fragrances for the first time, you will study various knowledge related to fragrances, such as the mechanism of olfaction and the brain, basic laws of fragrances, classification, and history.

In the practical training, you will learn how to blend perfumes by using 48 types of fragrant compound beads and explore floral bouquet blending, and so on…

Curriculum Contents

  1. #1 Mechanism of olfaction and brain
  2. #2 The basic laws of perfuming
  3. #3 Combining fragrances
  4. #4 Exotic category
  5. #5 Invention of synthetic fragrances
  6. #6 Fragrance classification
  7. #7 Perfume categories
  8. #8 The History of perfume in Medieval Europe
  9. #9 How to proceed perfuming with fragrance beads

Beginner’s Course Kit includes

  1. ・Color textbook for beginners
  2. ・48 kinds of fragrant compound beads (10 beads each)
  3. ・1 bottle opener
  4. ・1 pick-up tool
  5. ・2 beakers for perfuming
  6. ・4 recipe cards
  7. ・User registration form

Intermediate Course

Course fee: \58,000 (tax excl.) ※Intermediate course kit will be launched soon.

In this course, you will learn the world’s most famous 24 perfumes and unravel their framework by viewing the actual perfume materials.

You will also explore 36 natural fragrances, including their characteristics, ingredients, and extraction methods.

65 synthetic fragrances will also be explained in an easy-to-understand manner, linking their fragrance characteristics and chemical properties to those of natural fragrances.

Curriculum Contents

  1. #1 Appreciation of the world’s most famous fragrances and their contents (24 kinds)
  2. #2 Knowledge and mastery of single fragrances (36 natural fragrances)
  3. #3 Knowledge and mastery of single fragrances (65 synthetic fragrances)

Intermediate Course Kit Includes (or Contents)

  1. ・Color textbook for intermediate course
  2. ・The world’s 24 famous fragrances (1mL each)
  3. ・30 exclusive blotter cards
  4. ・ 12 kinds of fragrant compound beads (10 beads each)
  5. ・1 bottle opener
  6. ・User registration form

Advanced Course

Course fee: \134,000 (tax excl.)  ※Course in preparation

Purchase a fragrance kit

You can purchase from our website or retail shops.

 【From web-site】

 【From our shops】

● 201LAB LUCUA 1100
 【 LUCUA 1100 branch 4F 】

 >>>Click here